To this height of the month of December or all we are thinking what we will shine in the next Christmas celebrations and all the previous meetings that bring prepared, or are of work or with friendly. Nobody wants to shine out of place and as always the important thing is to feel comfortable, to be elegant but with an unmanner lines touch that helps to see us us more modern.
Sometimes like these and when the events become something almost daily it is quite difficult to know how what to put itself for each occasion. For that reason today we give some ideas you for orientate in case you are thinking what to use in a food or dinner of enterprise year end.
In dinners as these the important thing is to maintain the elegance but without calling too much the attention. To no of us we would on the following day like to be the reason for the cotilleo in the office. For that reason the advice is: something comfortable, elegant but discreet. And care, you do not confuse elegant with classic or boring, it is possible to be perfectly elegant with a youthful and modern attire. Everything depends on knowing how to choose and to make the combinations pertinent.
Surely you find in your wardrobes a black dress, that is the ideal joker for meals of this style, and if it is to the knee far better.
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